Lesson 6: Competitors


Lesson 6: Competitors

Written by Gui.do X Jansen,
November 2010
Written by a human, not by AI

As a Magento Master, people 'outside the ecosystem' will ask you what's so great about Magento. Since 'being great' is a relative statement, you'll need something to compare Magento with.

So answer this question, you not only need to know your Magento stuff, but also something about it's competition (albeit not as in depth of course). This knowledge also comes in handy when you're advising people about e-commerce that are actually not helped with Magento, but are actually looking for a completely different solution due to their system requirements or budget. This happened to me several times and most often results in a happy merchant who A) will be using the right product for his needs and B) will refer his contacts to me when they need e-commerce advice. Win-Win. So this weeks assignment is to take a look at the competition for Magento. Who are they, what do they have to offer and in which cases would you advice them instead of Magento? Some of the e-commerce platform competitors (in terms of function, popularity or market share):

Some resources:

For all the readers/participants: what do you consider to be the alternative(s) / competitor(s) of Magento? 

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